martes, 26 de enero de 2021


 We continue working on our project to see if we can help families and children to disconnect a bit from their screens. These are some of the  activities we have done throghout the month:

  • Collaborative video with best wishes for this difficult New Year: 
Our children really enjoyed working together to obtain this fantastic video where they express their thoughts. 

  • Sustainable Living Skills (Sewing Buttons)
This activity helped our students to practise skills they are not used to. their confindence grows when they see thay are able to create, to help with some tasks...

  • Informing children about the correct use of technology:
As next month is The Safer Internet Day, we have prepared our students to be ready for a world in which Internet is almost infinite and very difficult to control. One of our aims with Smart Kids in Digital World is to help our students to deal with technology bin a healthy way so this topic is extremely important to us.

martes, 12 de enero de 2021


Partner teachers have collaborated in an article about the topic of our project and we are all happy with the result. We hope it is useful for anyone willing  to read it.