lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019


From the 2nd to the 6th of December the first mobility took place in  Konya. The Turkish team organised  many  activities related to the project. The teachers attended to a seminar in where  Deniz Unay, a technology expert exposed the benefits and dangers of the use of technology at different ages. Partners visited  the school where they participated in different activities with the children of Zeki Altindag Ilkokulu. They learnt a  lot from each other  and children were very interested in communicating with the teachers partners of the project.

As part of the cultural  exchange many visits were done:

  • Technology center Teknokent where they participated in an informative talk in which they exchanged points of view in topics related to technology and education  in the different countries.
  • They went to the Science center with a group of children from  Zeki Altindag Ilkokulu. There, they could interact  and learn from different tools and equipment. 
  • There were a lot of activities related to classroom work, interacting with children and let them be active participants on the development of the week and to show the guests teachers their daily routines within the classroom.
  • Besides all this there were visits that integrated the visitors in the traditions and culture of konya’s people. This continued at school by organizing traditional children’s games, the henna night show, traditional meals cooked by families and crafts workshops.

To end the first Erasmus mobility of Smart kids of digital world project a meeting was organised to assess what has be done so far. In that meeting partners decided about the next activities to be done and evaluated the language teacher training and the tasks developed. Now it is time to continue working with our smart children in the classrooms, sharing with them all the knowledge acquired during this week.

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